In-Kind Donations  


  • FOOD

    Boxed meals, macaroni and cheese, cereal, rice, canned vegetables, canned soup, canned fruit, and tuna.

    We need you to help keep our shelves filled with non-perishable items. including grab and go healthy snacks for children. Our clients can count on us providing food of high quality. Therefore, please do not give outdated items. 

    Donations will be received during normal hours (Monday through Thursday, 9:00am – 2:00pm). Please call (585-436-7523) before you drop off items.

    We understand that many busy. Therefore, monetary donation are welcome.


    Pants, shirts, skirts, tops, coats, shoes. We accept gently used clothing throughout the year. Clothing must be in good condition, with no tears, rips, or stains.  

    Items are collected by season:

    September through February – Fall/Winter Clothing

    April through July – Summer/Spring Clothing

    NOTE: We do not collect clothing during the month of March and August.

    We do not accept house household items currently (due to limited spacing).


    Many families go without personal items because they do not have money to purchase them. Can you imagine, what it’s like not to brush your teeth for a week.

    Proper personal care is needed for a healthy and clean body. It is an essential habit that is very necessary for making you healthy. Personal care can help you in the prevention of catching and spreading germs and diseases. A daily shower helps the body in maintaining the balance between good bacteria and other germs. Good personal care habits help a person to feel good about themself and their body.


    Many clients ask for Bibles. Providing Bibles will help our clients to grow and live a life pleasing to God.


    There is an ongoing need for infant diapers size 1-6 and Extra-Large Pull-Ups.


    Items Needed: adult diapers, blankets, throws, board games and gift bags filled with arts & crafts.

Donations will be received during normal hours Monday through Thursday: 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM

Please call before dropping off items.


Make a donation.

Working Together To Make A Sustainable Difference
